Ana Torres

Now that we got the introductions out of the way, It's nice to meet you all. My name is Ana, as we've established. I am 25 years old. I am a Web Developer in training, and an overall super awesome person. As you flip through the virtual pages and learn a little bit about me, I'd like to leave you with some some cool fun facts about me here.

  • I am a cat mom of two
  • I do not know how to whistle (please dont Suzie me if you see me in the streets) (see this meme if you dont get the reference)
  • I only just learned how to swim last year
  • I ` 've yet to leave the country, Ive only been to Miami on a plane before
  • I am an Omnist, although I have been looking into churches near me, to see which one I align with more
  • I know a lot of random information that I might just throw into a conversation
  • I used to take boxing classes
  • I used to be really nice with some heelys
  • I sometimes write poetry, here are two pieces I wrote
  • imageof poem imageof poem
  • And now here are some cools pictures, some are art things, some are me, some are family. Please enjoy.