The Start of a Journey
I am interested in all creative pursuits. I absolutely love to express myself in any way that I possibly can. One of my favorites through art.
At the beginning of the pandemic I found myself heavily getting into expressing myself through art. Whether that was through painting, drawing, sketching, collages, etc,. Through art, I was able to learn more about myself and understand my emotions. I was able to use art as a form of therapy when I was feeling frustrated. What first started as a way to pass the time became a very important part of grounding myself. To this day I still paint and hang my art all around my house.
Another favorite of mine, also revolving arts, is photography. My favorite things to photograph is nature, and where nature meets industrialism. This is another form of art therapy for me. Whenever I am not feeling too good I like to go out and find something beautiful to photograph. This helps me remember the beauty of life and helps me maintain a more positive outlook when depression tries to set in. I have noticed that my paintings, drawings and such reflect the things I am most attracted to photographing.
One more thing that I have grown to love has been crafting. Whether that is making my own hygiene products, or making all natural cleaning supplies. I have been following a ton of pages on social media that teach me more ways to live off of the earth. Very soon I will start selling my scrubs and lotions, and who know what else. Stay tuned for that!